To be a church where the Gospel transforms lives.


We are a Spirit and mission-driven church, compelled by the love of Christ, to advance the Gospel, seek His righteousness, and operate with excellence in reflection of our Savior and calling.


Ministry Values (Discipleship)

These collective values determine our discipleship process and guide how we conduct ministries that reach souls for the kingdom of God (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8).

  • We believe Christ commanded our church to baptize

    people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as

    public expression of their personal acceptance and

    committemnt to His righteousness (Matt. 28:19).

  • We believe Christ taught us to be like Him, and we are

    commissioned to represent Him with excellence in an effort

    to teach and reach others (Matt. 28:20).

  • We believe the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives stimulates

    advocacy (witness/testimony) for the kingdom of God in

    every context we are called to minister (Acts 1:8).

  • We believe we are called to serve our communities and

    fellow human being no matter who they are, where they

    are, what condition they are in, or how they got there (Acts)

Leadership Values (Administration)

These values guide our leadership and mimic the Christ-like characterisitcs of God's example church; His first church (Acts 2).

  • We believe God calls us to greater maturation and

    development through the outpouring of His Spirit that is

    prepartory for Earth's final days and Christ's soon return

    (Acts 2:17-21)

  • We believe Christ's example of efficiency in the salvation

    mankind, coupled with the disciple's example of efficiency

    in winning souls for the kingdom, is a core component of

    His church's commisison today (Acts 2:29-4).

  • We believe we are accountable for the light (truth) God

    provided us, and we believe we are accountable to one

    another as brothers, sisters, and fellow sojourners toward

  • We believe our success is defined and determined by our

    faithfulness to the call God placed on His church, which

    we will celebrate with every opportunity given(Acts 2:45-